Savonnerie rug, aristocrat of rugs of the Western world, was first produced in
1628. The Savonnerie rug has a textured pile, knotted by hand in much the same
manner as an Oriental carpet, with a Turkish knot. Savonnerie rugs are usually
baronial in size and are better suited to elaborate and formal rooms. Named for
a children's hospice in Southern France, in the 17th c. students of Pierre
DuPont took control of the hopsice and created a self-supporting factory that
flourished through the Revolution and Napoleon. This hand knotted wool rug of
gaily colored florals has an antique washed look. Indicate in comments section
of the order form the color desired: burgandy, emerald, black, or blue mint.
Today the word Savonnerie means a type of style of weave, and rugs woven in this
manner can be found to emanate from many other parts of the world.