Tribal rugs are part of a tradition very different from that of the finely woven floral carpets with which the name Persia (the more usual Western term for Iran) has long been associated. Yet tribal rugs have a power and vitality of their own. Designs are geometrical, abstract, with an inventiveness of detail and boldness of color that sometimes echoes contemporary painting. Unlike the commercial urban and village products, tribal rugs were woven exclusively for home use. And into these everyday rugs were poured a love of color and pattern which had no other outlet, and was handed down from generation to generation. Tribal rugs make great collector pieces due to the originality and craftsmanship employed in each individual area rug. As mentioned earlier, because they were woven exclusively for home use, a variety of design techniques and scene adaptations can be expected. Depending on the region of the globe where the weaver originated, and the religious influence embraced by this same artisan, a fresh and varied difference in coloration and style only adds to the allure of these masterpieces. Because of the care and skill employed in the weaving process, as well as the materials incorporated in this same process, Tribal rugs can and usually are very old. The older the piece, the more value associated with it. These make great investments for the savvy art collector. They do not need to be carefully preserved, and in fact can and should be used for their intended purpose, on your floor as a design statement.